Remembering Keith Thompson - “The Bogman”

Keith Thompson
(1936 – 2023)

Keith Thompson who was a member of the CHEC Governing Board in the nineteen-nineties, died peacefully in Hamilton, New Zealand on 02 December 2023, aged 85. Keith was a scientist and environmentalist who did much to improve the understanding of the importance of wetlands both in New Zealand and in Uganda, the Congo, Czech Republic, Australia, and the Antarctic. Born in north-east England, he completed his Honours thesis at the University of Burham under the supervision of David Bellamy, who later became one of the most well-known UK environmentalists and nature broadcasters. Moving to the University of Waikato, New Zealand in 1975, he lived a full and adventurous life as a botanist and ecology lecturer and throughout his career was a passionate advocate for the management and protection of wetlands. to the country's ecology, teaching and inspiring more than one generation of New Zealanders.

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The CHEC Dialogue on Sustainable Urbanisation and Human Ecology


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