Zena Daysh Lecture - "Our Changing Climate: Do we need a shift in the way we learn?"

Zena Daysh

Professor Asha Kanwar

On Tuesday 19th November 2019 the second Zena Daysh Lecture will take place at the Royal Over-Seas League, London, following on from last years Inaugural Lecture.

This year, keynote speaker Professor Asha Kanwar will address, "Our Changing Climate: Do we need a shift in the way we learn?". Professor Kanwar is the President and CEO of the Commonwealth of Learning (CoL). Throughout a career spanning 35 years, she has made outstanding contributions in the areas of teaching, research and development winning several prestigious awards, including the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Prize of Excellence, and the Meritorious Service Award for outstanding contributions in open and distance education from the Asian Association of Open Universities. She has received eight honorary doctorates from Universities in Asia, Africa, Europe and North America.

The event will also serve as a celebration of CHEC's 50th Anniversary.

Please register in advance to attend by emailing contact@checinternational.org with the reference: "Zena Daysh Lecture" or call +44 020368 90979 and leave a message.

A copy of the event leaflet can be seen here.


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