Latest CHEC Journal Released

The latest CHEC Journal has been released in line with the start of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London. The latest journal, entitled “People: Human Resilience in a Changing World”, is the 28th journal produced by CHEC. It features articles ranging from climate change and sustainable development to populations and inequalities. The full journal contents can be seen below:

1. Insight and Wonder: Human Ecology in Everyday Life – Richard Borden
2. Human Ecology in the 21st Century – T I Khan
3. Human Responses to Climate Change  – Jon Kellett
4. Human Resilience in a Changing World – Air Pollution – Vitalis Nwokorie
5. An Introduction to Ecocide: Canada and the United Kingdom – John McDonnell
6. Population and Inequality: Major Challenges for Human Ecology – Ian Douglas
7. Civil Society Roles in UN Sustainable Development Goals – Donnell Davis
8. Gunyaji: Indigenous Lens on Sustainable Development Goals – Aunty Ruby Sims & Donnell Davis
9. A new Life: Story of Integration of Refugees into a South Australian Community –Janine Pierce & Karen Grogan

The journal is now available for download here and we will have some copies with us while we attend the CHOGM event this week in London.


CHEC Points 46 Published


CHEC at CommonTies London Event 2018