COP26 Daily Review: Wednesday 3rd November
Another day at COP26 is coming to a close and what a day it's been! The CHEC team have been busy speaking to and meeting other delegates and attending events. We've got a great video from the team as well as plenty of photos, plus all the latest from Wednesday 3rd at COP26, including:
Green Finance's $130 Trillion Commitment
Nessie's Arrest and Continued Protests
Food Menu Criticism
The Impact of COP26 Pledges
If you are looking for what's on tomorrow, you can find that here: COP26 Daily Preview: Thursday 4th November.
CHEC Enjoys a Successful Day at COP26
Before COP26 had even begun, one delegate had a wonderful experience exploring a COP26 Carbon Trail in Bennachie, Aberdeenshire. However, back in Glasgow the CHEC team attended events including:
Financing A More Resilient World (Presidency Programme)
Achievements of the Adaptation Committee from 2017–2021
Creation of the Systematic Observation Financing Facility
The CHEC team also spoke to and interviewed a number of attendees from the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments which are shown in the video below.
Other photos, events and pavilions CHEC delegates attended can be seen in the photos below!
CHEC Chairman, Mark Robinson showing his support of staying below 1.5 degrees warming
CHEC Board Member and Trustee, Subbu Loganathan with a member from the Japanese Pavilion at COP26
The panel for the Achievements of the Adaptation Committee from 2017–2021 event at COP26
An Indigenous delegation present COP25 President, Ms. Carolina Schmidt, an offering for opening dialogue with them.
Two delegates from Food at COP
The Commonwealth Secretariat at COP26
Eliminating Commodity-Driven Deforestation: Finance Sector Roadmap Event