CHEC's Human Ecology Journal 29 Published

CHEC is happy to announce that our latest publication of our self-published human ecology journal is now available on the website. Human Ecology 29 is entitled "Rediscovering Nature - Education for Social Understanding of Sustainability" and looks at how we can rediscover nature through education, taking inspiration from the latest global school climate strikes.

The full contents of the journal can be seen directly below:

00. Introduction

01. British Education and Young People by Selene Kalra

02. Nature - Education for Social Understanding of Sustainability by Dr Rashmi Pareek

03. Students contributions by K ritika Sharma, Charvi Sharma, Fabi Mathur, Varshita Sigar, Bhavya Kushwaha, Bhumika, Shubhi Pathak, Bhagyashree Jain

04. Rediscovering Nature in Our Cities by Paul de Zylva

05. Enviroschools - Fosterting a Generation of People Who Instinctively Think and Act Sustainably by Ebba Aastrand Raij

06. Living in the Wasteland: The Psychological and Emotional Impact of Litter by Dr. Marc Chrysanthou

07. Attitudes, Behaviour and Education for a Sustainable Future by Jennifer NW Lim

08. Shift Happens - Developing a National Education for Sustainability Agenda in Australia by Jennifer Pearson

09. The Race Towards Extinction by Michelle Crosbie

10. Reviews and Websites by Ebba Aastrand Raij

Human Ecology 29 is the latest in our journal series and can be downloaded here. All other CHEC journals can be located on our Journals Page. If you would like to contribute to any of our upcoming journals or for the website please get in contact by emailing .


The Commonwealth Human Ecology Council Newsletter - May 2019


The Commonwealth Human Ecology Council Newsletter – April 2019