CHEC Points 47 Published

Today CHEC Points 47 was published by the CHEC head office team. CHEC Points 47 looks at the Society for Human Ecology Meeting that was held in July 2018 and attended by CHEC. The CHEC Point begins:"With the theme “Navigating complexity: human-environmental solutions for a challenging future”, the Society for Human Ecology meeting was held in Lisbon from July 7th to 10th 2018. Over 250 people from some 35 countries concerned with Human Ecology met in the social science complex of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, just up the road from the famous CalousteGulbenkian Museum. CHEC was represented by Governing Board members Ian Douglas, Eva Ekehorn, Morteza Honari and Mark Robinson. "To read the full issue please download  CHEC Point 47 here or visit our CHEC Points page here


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