Call for Articles: Rediscovering Nature - Education for Social Understanding of Sustainability

Human Ecology is the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council's own journal which is going into its 29th issue.  The journal is distributed around the world and is read by decision makers at all levels, NGOs and people around Commonwealth and beyond. Our intention is to issue the journal in time to distribute the Journal to the Council for Education in the Commonwealth’s meeting in Grenada on 21 – 23 May 2019.

Journal 29 - Rediscovering Nature

In Journal 29 we want to recognise the development of environmental education since 1970, but also to ask whether it has been successful and why we still have littering, illegal dumping, excessive consumption of food, materials, and fossil fuels in many societies globally.  We also seek to understand why good practice in sustainability has not yet become a political norm, despite attempts at education and legislation.  What examples of good practice are there and what do we need to do in education, both in schools and among the general public, to improve individual, community, corporate and governmental behaviour towards our threatened planet? 

We therefore request our contributors to submit brief, clear, highly readable articles of 1,000 to 2,000 words (approximately 2 to 3 pages A4).  Please avoid academic jargon and detailed referencing of scholarly publications.   

Illustrations are most welcome. Please submit high resolution, high contrast photographs with clear captions.  Wherever possible, submit photographs as jpeg or tif files along with your typescript.  (Original digital photos are usually in one of these formats).  Please submit the text of your contribution in Word format, double-spaced on A4 page size, with wide margins.   

Our editors will review all contributions and send them back to you with suggestions on improvements or changes. When you receive the comments, please reply within two weeks.  

If you are interested in contributing, please let us know. The deadline for submitting final contributions is 25 April 2019.  

We are grateful for contributions to the journal. 

The latest versions of our Human Ecology journals are available in our Journals Hub.

Please send your draft contribution by email to:  


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CHEC Points 47 Published