CHEC Newsletter - April 2022

CHEC is pleased to share it’s April 2022 newsletter. We've got a lot to share including our brand new logo! Click the link below to read about:

  • Who's taking responsibility for specific carbon emissions

  • Earth Day 2022

  • Ecological mismatch

  • Pioneers of Civic Diagnosis

  • CHEC's new logo

  • The Com-Sec's climate message ahead of CHOGM

  • New Zealand and Singapore's climate agreement

  • Controversy surrounding the latest IPCC report

Please view the newsletter on the following link: CHEC Newsletter - April 2022

If you are new to the newsletter and would like to subscribe, see the form below!

Please let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, please share it with your friends, families and colleagues using the share buttons available. If you’d like to support CHEC further, please consider donating here!

Previous Newsletters

CHEC Newsletter – January 2022

CHEC Newsletter – February 2022

CHEC Newsletter – March 2022


Stop Mowing Your Lawn and Help Save Nature


Earth Day 2022 - How To Get Involved