Upcoming Events
CHEC Upcoming Events
To find out more about CHEC’s upcoming events, as well as important dates, CHEC out our calendar.
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COP29 Baku Blue Zone Event: Holistic Climate Action: Integrating Community Capacity Building & Engagement for Sustainable Futures
This panel event will explore comprehensive strategies and case studies for climate action focusing on the crucial role of community empowerment and involvement. Building awareness and capacity within communities to mobilise and engage effectively in climate action, to lead to sustainable and resilient futures.

COP28 Blue Zone Event: Communities catalysing Social & Environmental Change: Intersectional approaches to Climate Action
This event will explore how to foster scalable community-centred solutions for sustainable development and energy transition – particularly through public engagement, youth and local community-driven climate action, holistic capacity building, education and knowledge sharing at the intersection of social change and technological innovation.