University of Waikato COP26 Events Programme

CHEC is pleased to share the launch of the University of Waikato's COP26 Events Programme. The University of Waikato, alongside CHEC, is providing daily online forums centred on COP26. You will be able to tune in to listen and watch the live stream each morning from November 1 for reflections on the global event. At lunch time you'll be able to watch local panel discussions on key themes featuring local climate heroes.

Who Is Involved in the Events?

The University of Waikato has put together a fantastic programme that features excellent speakers. Daily updates and reflections will be provided by CHEC's very own Emily Robinson.

Speakers at the panels will include:

  • Emeritus Professor Ian Douglas (University of Manchester and CHEC)

  • Professor Frank G. Scrimgeour (Head of School Accounting, Finance and Economics, University of Waikato)

  • Associate Professor Sandy Morrison (Māori and Indigenous Studies Faculty, University of Waikato)

  • Associate Professor Tom Roa (Māori and Indigenous Studies Faculty, University of Waikato)

  • Margaret Barbour (Dean of Science, University of Waikato)

What is the Programme?

A basic version of the timetable can be found below. For the original and full programme please see the University of Waikato COP26 Events page.

Please note: The times listed below are times in New Zealand which is currently using New Zealand Daylight Time. This is GMT+13.

Monday 1st November 10am
Opening session - Kupu Whakatau
Watch the COP26 Opening Ceremony on COP26 Youtube Channel
Monday 1st November 1pm
Local Panel: Setting the Scene - what's to come!
Our local experts kick-off the 2 weeks of action with a scene setting discussion on what is to follow. Hear from Hon. Nanaia Mahuta, Minister for Foreign Affairs, former CHEC President Professor Ian Douglas and others ahead of COP26.

Tuesday 2nd November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Kupu Whakataki: Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes.
Tuesday 2nd November 1pm
Local Panel: New Scientific Knowledge and the Paris Agreement
Join our local experts as they discuss the key themes from overnight at COP26. Today's panel will cover the Paris Agreement and new scientific knowledge on climate change, and what more should we/could we be doing?

Wednesday 3rd November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes.
Wednesday 3rd November 1pm
Local Panel: Gender, Science, Indigenous thinking and Climate Change
Join our local experts as they discuss the key themes from overnight at COP26. Today's Panel will cover key issues of Gender, Science, Indigenous thinking and Climate Change.

Thursday 4th November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Kupu Whakataki: Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes.
Thursday 4th November 1pm
Local Panel: Finance and Economics
Join our local experts as they discuss some of the key themes from overnight at COP26. Today's panel will cover Climate Finance, Responsible Business Conduct and Transformational Economics

Friday 5th November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Kupu Whakataki: Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes.
Friday 5th November 1pm 1pm - Local Panel: Energy and Local Initiatives
Join our local experts as they discuss some of the key themes from overnight at COP26. Today's session focuses on local initiatives and considerations for Energy use.

Saturday 6th November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Kupu Whakataki: Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes Saturday 6th November Saturday 6th November 1pm
Local Panel: Youth & Public Empowerment.
Join our local experts as they discuss some of the key themes from overnight at COP26. Today's panel dives into the power of youth in driving climate action and public empowerment.

Sunday 7th November N/A
Rest Day

Monday 8th November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Kupu Whakataki: Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes. Monday 8th November Monday 8th November 1pm
Local Panel: Nature
Join our local experts as they discuss some of the key themes from overnight at COP26. Todays session covers the broad theme of Nature, focusing on Indigenous people & traditional knowledge holders, Water, Oceans & Coastal Zones.

Tuesday 9th November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Kupu Whakataki: Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes.
Tuesday 9th November 1pm
Local Panel: Adaptation and Resilience
Todays session covers the Paris Agreement (projected levels of public financial resources to be provided to developing countries), Indigenous Knowledge, and Governance relating to adaptation and resilience.

Wednesday 10th November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Kupu Whakataki: Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes Wednesday 10th November 10th 1pm
Local Panel: Law, Science & Innovation
Join our local experts as they discuss some of the key themes from overnight at COP26. Today's panel discuss the role of legal standards and guidelines in Climate Action.

Thursday 11th November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Kupu Whakataki: Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes. Thursday 11th November Thursday 11th November 1pm
Local Panel: Transport
Join our local experts as they discuss some of the key themes from overnight at COP26. Today's key theme; Transport. What is being done locally to minimise the impact of transport on our environment?

Friday 12th November 9am
Daily introduction and reflections from Glasgow
Kupu Whakataki: Emily Robinson recaps the day's activity at COP26 in Glasgow and outlines the major themes Friday 12th November Friday 12th November 10am
Local Panel: Cities, Region & Built Environments
Join our local experts as they discuss some of the key themes from overnight at COP26. In our final panel, the - Cities, region & built environments

How Can I Take Part in the University of Waikato COP26 Events Programme?

All events that form part of the University of Waikato COP26 Events Programme are being live streamed. The live stream is available to watch below, on CHEC's COP26 Hub, the University of Waikato's COP26 Page or on YouTube.


Meet the CHEC Team Attending COP26


The Dangers of Carbon Offsetting