Under Construction... the Nadukuppam Community Training Centre

CHEC is delighted to announce that it has allocated a generous grant from The Heath Trust for the construction of the Nadukuppam Community Training Centre at Pitchandikulam Forest, a Unit under the Auroville Foundation. The Nadukappam Community Training Centre will become a local base for sustainable rural planning. Nadukappam is a rural village in Tamil Nadu, and the Training Centre will support the farming community through training in practical subjects such as organic agriculture, agro-forestry, rural technologies and the establishment of small business enterprises. The vision is for the Centre to become a local engine of sustainable economic development. Pitchandikulam Forest is a part of the Auroville International Community and its mission is the preservation and restoration of the indigenous forests of Tamil Nadu. Established in 1973, the reforestation project has become a 70 acre site containing more than 800 species of plants.The site of the Training Centre already has 2000 indigenous plants that have have been planted over the last  7 years. It also contains examples of alternative green technologies such as solar pumps, a water pumping windmill and a wind turbine. Essentially, the site is set up as a working organic farm for training purposes.


Lifetime member of CHEC, Professor Allan Rodger presented with Leadership in Sustainibility Prize


Dr Katherine Baldock on the BBC