The Forums at CHOGM 2022

If you've read our introduction to CHOGM 2022 then you'll know that aside from the meetings held between government officials there are also four forums taking place. The forums provide further space for people all round the Commonwealth to tackle important issues as they pertain to the forums overriding focus: youth, women, people and business. The forums have always been extremely productive and therefore, it's important you know the details about each one so you don't miss a thing!

Commonwealth Youth Forum

Commonwealth Youth Forum 2022

The Commonwealth Youth Forum at CHOGM 2022 takes place between the 19th-21st June at the Intare Conference Arena in Kigali, Rwanda.

The Youth Forum (or CYF) will bring up to 300 delegates from across the Commonwealth who will look to build networks, discuss development issues, challenges and opportunities, exchange ideas and create opportunities and youth-led initiatives to enhance their lives.

If you're attending the Commonwealth Youth Forum look out for Abhiir Bhalla who will be there representing CHEC!

The schedule for the CYF is as follows:



Event Title


Sunday 19th June

10am - 11am

Flag Ceremony

Sunday 19th June

11am - 11.30am

Opening Ceremony - Taking Charge of our Future

- Artistic Performance

- Welcome Remarks

- Opening Remarks

Sunday 19th June

11.30am - 1pm

Intergenerational Dialogue: Taking charge of our future

This session will explore the 6 thematic areas to be explored in the forum: Governance and Rule of Law; Technology and Innovation, Sustainability, Human Capital, Health & COVID -19, Trade, Entrepreneurship & Employment. The panel will discuss the role of Youth leadership in affecting needed change, and roles of other actors.

Sunday 19th June

2.30pm - 3.10pm

Youth Leadership Labs I

Sunday 19th June

3.15pm - 4.15pm

Plenary Session II: Redefining Sustainability

This session will include a keynote address, sharing of stories of impact, and a panel of experts, changemakers and influencers which will explore and redefine “sustainability” under the current social, political and economic context. The panel will look at better and innovative ways to achieve new standards.

Sunday 19th June

4.15pm - 5.30pm

Youth Leadership Labs II

Sunday 19th June

5.30pm - 7pm

Plenary III: Fireside Chat

Monday 20th June

9am - 10am

Plenary Session IV

Monday 20th June

10am - 12pm

Youth Leadership Labs III

Monday 20th June

1pm - 2.15pm

Plenary Session V: Youth champions of Innovation for Transformation and Development

This session will include a keynote address, sharing of stories of impact, and a panel of experts, changemakers and influencers who will explore Innovation, Technology and how the youth can leverage their knowledge to accelerate impact.

Monday 20th June

2.15pm - 4pm

Youth Leadership Labs IV

Monday 20th June

4.15pm - 5.30pm

Plenary Session VI: Co-creation and Partnerships

This session will include a keynote address, sharing of stories of impact, and a panel of experts, changemakers and influencers who will provide tips and insights to identifying and forming strategic partnerships required to take projects and ideas forward

Monday 20th June

5.30pm - 6pm

Closing of Day 2 and Reflection

Tuesday 21st June

CYC General Assembly Partner Side Events

Partners will lead various sessions will equip the youth with the skills they require to execute their projects.

Tuesday 21st June

Closing Ceremony

CYC Installation Presentation of the action plan for 2022 - 2024 Youth Declaration Closing remarks

NB - The above timetable omits networking, lunch/dinner and other activities. For the full schedule for the Commonwealth Youth Forum please see the Commonwealth Youth Forum website.

Commonwealth Women Forum

Commonwealth Women Forum 2022

The Commonwealth Women Forum takes place on the 20th and 21st June at the Serena Hotel in Kigali, Rwanda. The CWF, as it's known, has a theme focused on Transforming for Gender Equality.

The Women Forum looks to promote top-level policies for gender equality and human rights while also providing opportunities for women to interact with Heads of Government. It's expected that up to 500 delegates will take part in the CWF to ensure that the Commonwealth's gender equality obligations are highlighted to the Heads of Government.

The CWF will include leaders from a variety of areas including:

  • Civil society

  • Youth

  • Activists

  • Academics

  • Influencers

  • Policy Experts

  • Philanthropists

  • Corporate actors

  • Experts from multiple industries

The schedule for the CWF is as follows:



Event Title


Monday 20th June

9am - 10.30am

Opening Session and Reflections on Gender Equality and Women’s Rights 2020-2030

Monday 20th June

11am - 12.30am

Women in leadership: Beyond numbers 

Monday 20th June

1.30pm - 3pm

Women’s Economic Empowerment: Breaking the Barriers 

Monday 20th June

3.30pm - 5.30pm

Parallel Sessions

Option 1

: Ending Violence Against Women and Girls: Engaging Men

Option 2

: Intergenerational Celebration 

Tuesday 21st June

9am - 11am

Gender and Climate Change: interactions & opportunities for progress

Tuesday 21st June

11.30am - 1.30pm

Parallel Sessions

Option 1

: Addressing barriers to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment - Accounting for Gender Equality

Option 2

: Human capital development: Building leaders of tomorrow

Tuesday 21st June

2.30pm - 4pm

Parallel sessions

Option 1

: Peace in the Commonwealth: women’s engagement in security and peace

Option 2

: Conquering Cervical Cancer in the Commonwealth: Realities, Challenges and Opportunities?

Tuesday 21st June

4.30pm - 5.30pm

Wrap up of the Commonwealth Women’s Forum

NB - The above timetable omits networking, lunch/dinner and other activities. For the full schedule for the Commonwealth Women Forum please see the Commonwealth Women Forum website .

Commonwealth People's Forum

Commonwealth People's Forum 2022

The Commonwealth People's Forum takes place on the 21st and 22nd June at the M Hotel in Kigali, Rwanda. The People's Forum, sometimes referenced as CPF, focuses on the theme: Advancing Together: Delivering people-centred governance through the Commonwealth.

It will see representatives from civil society from around the Commonwealth examine and tackle challenges that citizens of the Commonwealth continue to face. In doing so, it will look to address the most pressing concerns and answer "How can we bring the finest of humankind, the powers of love, compassion, equality, and justice, to bear on our shared future?"

Make sure you look out for Abhiir Bhalla, Isaac Aboah, Badara Bajo and CHEC Chair, Mark Robinson who will all be in attendance representing CHEC at the Commonwealth People's Forum.

The schedule for the CPF is as follows:



Event Title

Tuesday 21st June

9am - 9.45am

Opening Session: A Commonwealth Vision

Tuesday 21st June

9.45am - 11am

Session One: Building Resilient and Equitable National Health Systems

Tuesday 21st June

11.30am - 1pm

Session Two: Climate Justice and Leadership for Change in the Commonwealth

Tuesday 21st June

2.30pm - 4.30pm

Session Three: Health and Finance: Meeting the Immediate Challenge of Financing

Wednesday 22nd June

9am - 10.30am

Session Four: Innovations in Participatory Governance

Wednesday 22nd June

11am - 12.30pm

Session Five: Advancing Freedom of Expression in the Commonwealth

Wednesday 22nd June

2pm - 3.30pm

Session Six: A Commonwealth for All

NB - The above timetable omits networking, lunch/dinner and other activities. For the full schedule for the Commonwealth People's Forum please see the Commonwealth People's Forum website.

Commonwealth Business Forum

Commonwealth Business Forum 2022

The Commonwealth Business Forum takes place on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd June in Kigali, Rwanda. For CHOGM 2022, the CBF will address the theme: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming.

The Business Forum is tasked with creating meaningful connections between all attendees while also promoting the exchange of knowledge. It is being hosted in partnership with the Government of Rwanda and Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC) and will look to focus on a "global reset" as the Commonwealth and World recovers from the economic implications of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The CBF features hundreds of speakers and has an impressive list of keynote speakers including:

  • Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda

  • Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

  • Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC, Commonwealth Secretary-General

  • Lord Jonathan Marland Chairman, Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council

  • Clare Akamanzi CEO, Rwanda Development Board

CHEC is being represented at the Commonwealth Business Forum by Chair Mark Robinson.

The schedule for the CBF is as follows:



Event Title


Tuesday 21st June

10am - 11am

Opening Ceremony: Delivering a Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming

Tuesday 21st June

11.30am - 1pm

Opening Plenary

A Global Reset: Leveraging the Commonwealth for a Global Recovery

Tuesday 21st June

2pm - 3.30pm

Options 1

Option 1

: Commonwealth Trade: Challenging Protectionisms and Reducing the Barriers to Business

Option 2

: Positioning the Commonwealth for the Future of Work

Option 3

: Innovation Avenue Mixer: Innovation in the Commonwealth

Option 4

: Innovating for Resilient and Inclusive Food Systems Think Tank

Tuesday 21st June

4pm - 5.30pm

Options 2

Option 1

: The Business of Sustainable Fashion

Option 2

: Transforming Rwanda into a Pan-African Financial Hub: The KIFC Journey

Option 3

: The Future of Africa’s Agricultural Sector: Youth, Technology & Innovation

Wednesday 22nd June

9.30am - 11am

Options 3

Option 1

: Ecosystems: Redesigning Global Value Chains in a Post- COVID World

Option 2

: Technology Governance: Are we prepared?


3: Launch of Coventry University Africa Hub


4: Accelerating the Transition to Sustainable Energy Think Tank

Wednesday 22nd June

11.30am - 1pm

Options 4

Option 1

: Our Common Health: Delivering Equitable Healthcare


2: Innovative Financing, Supporting Future Growth


3: Sector Mixer: Champions for Green


4: Skilling the Commonwealth for the Future Think Tank

Wednesday 22nd June

2pm - 3.30pm

Options 5

Option 1

: Bridging the Digital Divide


2: Impact Investments: Unleashing the power of capital for good


3: Thought Leadership Think Tank: Financial and Professional Services


4: Private sector investments in nature based solution & biodiversity


5: Field visit: The Business of Healthcare

Wednesday 22nd June

4pm - 5.30pm

Options 6

Option 1

: Financing Blue-Green Growth for Sustainable Islands

Option 2

: Sustainable Tourism & Travel

Option 3

: Investing in Cameroon

Thursday 23rd June

9am - 9.45am

Investing in Rwanda

Thursday 23rd June

9.45am - 11am

Options 7

Option 1

: Future Cities: Sustainable Urbanisation

Option 2

: Investing in Botswana

Thursday 23rd June

11.15am - 12.30pm

A Challenge to the Commonwealth: Towards a Sustainable World

Thursday 23rd June

12.30pm - 1.20pm

Closing Ceremony

Thursday 23rd June

2pm - 3.30pm

Heads of Government and CEOs Roundtable

Invite Only

NB - The above timetable omits networking, lunch/dinner and other activities. For the full schedule for the Commonwealth Business Forum please see the Commonwealth Business Forum website.

Individuals are still able to apply to join the Commonwealth Business Forum and can do so here: Commonwealth Business Forum Application

The Forums at CHOGM 2022

So there you have it - the four forums at CHOGM 2022. We will keep updating this page with further information as and when we have it but in the meantime, please let us know if you are planning on attending any of the forums! Let us know in the comments below and please do look out for the CHEC delegates attending.

Also, for all the latest information from CHOGM 2022 check out our dedicated CHOGM 2022 Page.


Day 1 Report from CHOGM and the People's Forum by Isaac Aboah


The Problem With Ocean Plastic Pollution