Happy New Year from CHEC

The Commonwealth Human Ecology Council would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

2021 was a difficult year for everyone as the pandemic continued to cause restrictions on our daily lives. However, 2021 also provided us with hope for the future. The official outcomes of COP26 may have been underwhelming, but we saw how motivated individuals, community groups, charities and non-profit organisations are in tackling the climate crisis and this gave us hope.

We have a lot to look forward to in 2022 and CHEC has some exciting events and projects planned. We will continue to build on recent successful projects like our Sierra Leone Schools Project. We will continue to publish interesting and insightful articles to the website like "The 10 Best Nature Podcasts for 2021", "The 10 Worst Foods to Eat for Greenhouse Gas Emissions" and "How to Limit Your Food Waste (5 of the Best Tips)". And we will continue to do what we can do help tackle the climate crisis.

As we write this, the Omnicron variant is roaring around the world causing further restrictions and pushing many back into lockdown. This will slow many of us down but regardless, the new year brings new hope. We are all grateful for what we have and the work we are able to do and look forward to working with you all in the future.

To keep up to date with everything happening at CHEC become a member here or join our newsletter.


International Day of Education 2022: The Role of Climate Education


Merry Christmas from CHEC