Facing the Future: Human Ecology & Higher Education Conference

CHEC is pleased to share the latest details about the Facing the Future: Human Ecology & Higher Education Conference.

The 4-day conference will run from August 31st to September 3rd 2022 at the IASS Potsdam. The conference is mainly aimed at academics, practitioners, researchers, students or teachers who conduct there work in an inter- or transdisciplinary manner. Participants can join online or in-person.

An invitation by Dieter Steiner can be read here.

Second Conference Call

A second conference call is ongoing with abstracts on the following topics specifically welcomed:

  • Safe food production, food, and meal culture.
  • Climate impact and resilience in cities and regions
  • Sustainable mobility in centers and periphery
  • Biodiversity
  • Demographic change
  • Cultural diversity
  • Resource access and distribution equity

Other examples of topics in human ecology:

  • Human ecology - theory, methodology, concepts, ideas, history, and background
  • Human ecology as a bridge between the natural and human sciences and the fine arts
  • Human ecology projects - research and practical implementation
  • Human ecology approaches to transformative research and teaching at universities

You can register and submit your abstracts to the conference on the following links:

Organisers of the Conference

The event is jointly organised by the European College of Human Ecology (COHE), Berlin, Germany and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam, Germany in cooperation with the:

  • Federation of German Scientists (VDW), Berlin, Germany
  • Alanus University Bonn/Alfter, Germany Potsdam
  • Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany
  • German Society for Human Ecology (DGH), Berlin, Germany
  • Society for Human Ecology (SHE), Bar Harbor, ME, USA

Further details about the Conference can be found on the website of the European College of Human Ecology.


CHEC Journal - "Human Ecology 32: Forests" Published


World Bee Day 2022