CHEC Points 41 and 42 available now

After much hard editing, the CHEC office presents CHEC Points 41 and 42 together and just in time for Christmas. "Soon more than half the world’s urban people will be living in cities of more than one million inhabitants. However, both big and small cities are merging into megapolitan regions, some of which now have populations of over 20 million... Many cities are now like Manila and Mexico City, with patches of commercial high rise, of compact poor housing and sprawling middle class housing. In London, the Borough..." - CHEC Points 41 is an overview of the 2014 Conference of the German Society for Human Ecology (DGH) held in Somerhausen on the topic of "Urbanity and Human Ecology: Modifying European Urban Life for Sustainability"."Understanding the nature of climate change through education allows us to ‘modify behaviour’. The hope is that it will dullen the sharp end of climate change. The keynote speaker Dame Louisy, made mention of the Education for Sustainable Development, a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) initiative; whose aim is to develop the knowledge, values and skills to participate in decisions about the way things are done individually and collectively. This strategy hopes to increase knowledge and decrease vulnerability. However, funding remains the greatest barrier to change as it prohibits the development of human capital and limits SIDS ability to build resilience..." - CHEC Points 42 reports back on the 2014 conference on environmental vulnerability in small island states held by the Education in Small States Research Group at the University of Bristol. It draws attention to the role of education in building resilience against climate events.


CHEC at the Society for Human Ecology's 20th Annual Conference


On the Anthropocene and Reconfiguring Nature