The Commonwealth Human Ecology Council Newsletter – March 2019

This has been quite an eventful month for CHEC. The 11 of March we attended the Commonwealth Day Service in Westminster Abbey. It was a spectacular day and we were grateful to see that Climate Change was one of the main topics of the day.

This month CHEC has been focusing on food and the environmental consequences of our food choices. In our latest article, we look at palm oil and its impact on our planet. It is an articlefull of fascinating facts. It also contains a discussion about whether thereare any more sustainable options available.

We would liketo thank all of you who have been interested in contributing to our next Journal,the 29th issue of Human Ecology. This year’s Journal will focus on the development of environmental education and what we need to do in education to improve our behaviour towards our threatened planet. If you are interested in contributing, perhaps to write about a project you are working on or about something you think should receivemore attention, please let us know as soon as possible.

CHEC has started a new project where we are interviewing the people behind the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council. This is an opportunity for all of you to get a better understanding of who we are and what we wish to achieve with our work. In the upcoming interview, we have talked to our Hon. Secretary Eva Ekehorn, to hear about her view of CHEC’s work and her experiences of working with human ecology for several years.

Since food is a broad topic with endless of interesting things to discuss from a human ecology perspective, CHEC has decided to continue with this topic for the next month. We hope that you are as excited as we are to continue digging in the debates and issues concerning the environmental impacts of our food choices.


CHEC Point 48 Published


The Impact of Palm Oil on the Environment