CHEC COP26 Hub Launched

Today, the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council is pleased to share the launch of the COP26 Hub. The Hub will be the centre of all things related to and involving COP26. The Hub will share the latest news, information, reports, videos and photos from the latest climate change conference and will feature direct updates from CHEC's own delegates who are attending.

What is COP26?

Every year, world leaders come together to make important decisions about how the world tackles climate change. COP26 is the latest of these meetings. The acronym "COP" stands for Conference of Parties and this year it is being held in the United Kingdom.

At a time where the negative impacts of climate change are more known than ever, COP26 is an important and vital opportunity for the world to come together to tackle the collective climate issues we face. Time is running out and many see COP26 as a last chance to do something about it.

Arguably, COP26 is the most significant climate event since the 2015 UN climate conference in France which resulted in the famous Paris Agreement.

COP26 is the biggest summit the UK has ever hosted and is the most significant climate event since COP21, the 2015 United Nations climate conference which resulted in the Paris Agreement.

When and Where is COP26?

COP26 is taking place in Glasgow, United Kingdom. It will run between the dates of 31st October 2021 to 12th November 2021.


CHEC is sending a team of six delegates to COP26. They will be attending many events over the two weeks and will be sharing updates here on our website and on our social media channels.

We will be providing a more detailed post sharing what events our CHEC delegates will be attending and where you can find them in due course.

What Events Are Taking Place at COP26?

There are two event programmes for COP26; the Presidency Programme, the UK Presidency Pavilion at COP26 Event Programme and the Green Zone Programme of Events.

We will provide a detailed overview in the next week of both programmes including which events we are looking forward to and which ones you should not miss!

How can I follow updates from COP26?

You can find and follow updates from COP26 directly from our COP26 Hub.

Also be sure to like, follow and share our content on social media below:

You can also sign up to CHEC's newsletter for regular updates and a special edition that will be sent out in the weeks that follow the conference.

Finally, don't forget to check out updates from the official COP26 website.


Watch: Climate Change, Biodiversity, and the Commonwealth - The Road to COP26


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