CHEC at the Malta Commonwealth Summit

CHEC is preparing for an intense participation in the forthcoming events around the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) which will take place in Malta, beginning in a week’s time.  We have a delegation with people from Nigeria and Australia as well as from the UK, all looking forward to be part of the events and sessions, around the theme of: The Commonwealth – Adding Global Value: read more.

There are several events taking place: the People’s Forum, the first ever Women’s Forum, the Youth Forum, and the Business Forum.  We will try to cover as much as we can and give our supporters news updates and tweets.

Bee Event
One of the most important events for CHEC is the Bees and Pollinators – a Commonwealth Concern which will take place on Tuesday 24th November at the Institute of Tourism Studies in St. Julians.  This event is organised with our partners Friends of the Earth in UK and in Malta.  Registration needed: click here. For more information look here.
More information at click here.


Bee and Pollinators Event - A Commonwealth Concern

