Mark Robinson, CHEC trustee, and Dr Nicholas Watts, Trustee and Education Adviser as well as responsible for CHEC's work on fisheries, will be in Sri Lanka from November 8th to November 19th, 2013 for the CHOGM.They will attend the Commonwealth People’s Forum and will be present at the Opening Ceremony of the Heads of Government Meeting. Mark and Nicholas will also be taking part in parallel events including the meeting between representatives of Civil Society and Foreign Ministers. Their hopes for this year's CHOGM are that progress will made on post-Millennium Development Goals and that a useful dialogue will take place when Civil Society Organisations meet with Commonwealth Foreign Ministers in Colombo on Saturday, 16th of November.CHEC will be working to build support for the joint project with the Commonwealth Association of Museum (CAM) to develop a travelling exhibition on fisheries and fisher folk livelihoods and to further develop its projects and advocacy on:- education to raise awareness of climate change and renewable energy;- fisher folk livelihood and Ocean governance; and sustainability of Human Settlements.


CHEC sponsors the German Society for Human Ecology's 2014 Annual Conference


Mangrove Ecosystems, Food Security and Climate Change Workshop - Gunjur, June 2013