Annual Report 2015

CHEC's Annual Report for 2015 is now out. Read the report for a retrospective of CHEC's activities and achievements during 2015, including:

  • With the aid of a generous grant from the Heath Trust, CHEC facilitated the building of the Nadukuppam Community Training Centre at the Pitchandikulam Bio-resource Centre in Tamil Nadu, India. The centre will teach local communities about indigenous forest planting programs, organic farming and vegetable gardening, women’s self-help group income generation programmes and environment education programmes.

  • CHEC's work in raising awareness of the need to protect bees and pollinators across the Commonwealth. A report launched at the Malta Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, entitled: ‘Bees and Pollinators: a Commonwealth Concern’.

  • Following the publication of its most recent journal, ‘Water’, in time for CHOGM in 2015, CHEC is continuing its advocacy in this area, building networks of academics and journalists to promote action on climate change and the loss of biodiversity at Commonwealth level. The journal itself contains a set of reflections on policy outcomes and future options for global and Commonwealth wide water management.


The Beekeeping Landscape in Uganda - guest article by James Propa


Bees and Pollinators: A Commonwealth Concern