Annual Commonwealth Lecture - Helen Clark (UNDP)

Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and former Prime Minister of New Zealand, gave the annual Commonwealth Lecture at Guildhall on April 9. Her talk, entitled Youth, Innovation, Sustainable Development and The Commonwealth in a Post-2015 World, drew attention to the need to create a sustainable future through cutting back on consumption. Clark highlighted what she saw as the 'glacial' reaction of international governments to the growing threat of climate change. In her discussion of the forthcoming SDGs Clark described how the new SDGs contained strong environmental content to build resilience against climate change and protective partnerships for ecosystems to thrive.The full transcript of the lecture is available here,  and a video of the talk is also available on the Commonwealth Secretariat website.


The Nadukuppam Community Training Centre


Lifetime member of CHEC, Professor Allan Rodger presented with Leadership in Sustainibility Prize